Who was talking about “the Apocalypse”? It’s not gonna be one fell swoop and all over, there will be a very distinct sequence of events, the broad brushstrokes of which can be pieced together from the Unveiling (Revelation), Matthew 24, Daniel, Jeremiah 49, Isaiah 17, Psalm 83 and some other places. I think Christians should study this and not run around randomly calling this or that day doomsday. Here’s a good resource. This is not about accumulating wisdom and being clever, it’s about an ability to study God’s ways and walk in them, to be prepared for some pretty crazy times to start pretty soon. Hosea 14:9, Ecclesiastes 7:12, Psalm 25:4, James 1:5 – praying for knowledge and understanding and stretching upward to grasp God’s plans is not optional. We cannot fathom completely, nowhere near, but we can learn crucial bits in order to be somewhat prepared and not freak out once the big showdown begins. Ripples are already forming on the thin surface of our industrialised wealth and security.
blood moon (supermoon eclipse) 28 Sept 2015, 04:12 GMT+01
How damaging it would be to my faith if I jumped from one set end date to the next, and every time some apparent trigger passes by without obvious drama ensuing, I started doubting. No God is gracious and patient and wants everybody to come to repentance, and he proffers clue after hint, warning after sign, to help those who have ears to listen effectively along the way, and to demonstrate to the stiff-necked self-centred proud their own foolishness.
Lamenting Jeremiah, oh how you suffered under your calling, how you hated constantly preaching doom and gloom all round, yet how have you become a treasured essential, author of two books of the definitive canon of the Scriptures! Because you were so right, and time had to prove you, and history repeats itself, the prophets are still mocked, exposed for being “wrong”, because the Almighty shows a little more patience before the inevitable fall. Brace. Grace.