The world is not created as a self-sufficient space-time-continuum that HaShem could release and let run its course on its own. Having created it something-from-nothing (yesh me ayin) necessarily means that He is constantly holding it in existence. A metaphor for this are the the waters of the sea of reeds standing up. Any instant He would let go, the creation would return to the state of nothingness, as if it had never been; even all memory of it would be wiped out. It demands colossal exertion to hold up the world. The silly question if an omnipotent G-D could create a stone that is too heavy for Himself to lift, is not that far off the truth, though it shows a limited understanding of HaShem, Who is outside of physics and dimensions.
HaShem does not just hold the entire creation up like Atlas carrying planet Earth on his shoulders. He also holds everything in balance, every oscillation, every quant of information. Every particle and packet of energy ultimately consists of information. If on a quantum level, things would go out of alignment, or arrange differently, the physical universe would transform, in an instant, into something completely different. Everything is held in balance by the creator in every instant, including the tendencies in each individual: the balance between obedience and rebellion, indulgence and resistance, holding and letting go, chaos and order, appreciation and oblivion…
Mind-boggling as it gets, this is where we interface with the divine. Our role is to implement the balancing that HaShem exerts on us. We, as a world society, as a family, as an individual, collectively are the elephant that HaShem balances on a pin. We can make ourselves heavier to one side, lighter on the other, and tip the balance. The whole debate on pre-determination vs free will hinges on this balance: we decide which way we tip, and HaShem holds the entire universe in a fine balance. He reacts to us! Not in the sense that He would be surprised, or wouldn’t anticipate our every move, but in the sense that He orchestrates, oscillates this entire world into being.