What bttp is meant to be all about:
- the incurable belief that words and concepts can improve thinking, actions, habits, lives, relationships…
- that care for one another will also lead to better care for the planet
- cultivating gratefulness and respect, taking nothing for granted, seeing how our houses of cards can topple any moment
- marvelling at a big, beautiful, all-connected, stricken, suffering, vulnerable yet resilient, truly remarkable planet, with three domains and some six to eight kingdoms of life, (depending on classification of this wondrous multitude that we are fiercely diminishing).
- building the desire to be a boon to this creation to the best of our abilities, multiplying and radiating out our efforts; supporting a common journey of discovery, innovation and responsible stewardship
- It’s not about the taking, the exploiting and gaining, but about the giving, the contributing, the benefitting.
Empathy is overrated. It will arise naturally and inevitably from just widening the mind. Just realize that right now, there are billions of people all thinking, dawdling, suffering, enjoying, thrilling, inhaling, exhaling, deceiving, sharing, ignoring, helping, birthing and dying, all at the same time, in all this bubbling boundary layer between geology and atmosphere. We have an opportunity, and a sacred duty, to realize our role in this. Each of our breaths we are weaving into the fabric of life.
So there’re some starting points. It may come to nothing. It depends on us. This is not a new movement. It is merely the attempt to put words to a common struggle.
Contact me and get involved, somehow, writing, chatting, bouncing ideas off each other, no commitment, just awareness, potential.