Around 15,000 people from across the globe have joined Islamic State (by October 2014). Forces are gathering. The Iranian nuclear programme is being manifested under strict supervision, leaving so much room that Benjamin Netanyahu said about the framework agreement reached after eight days of day-and-night negotiations in late March / early April 2015: “Such a deal paves Iran’s path to the bomb. And it might very well spark a nuclear arms race throughout the Middle East and it would greatly increase the risks of terrible war.” Israel will not wait for Islamic State militants to take over or infiltrate Iran and acquire nuclear weapon launch capacity. According to some thoroughly researched and extremely sensible prophecy, a Middle East nuclear war will start the end-times events described in the Bible, with destruction prophesied literally over night (Isaiah 17:14) and such that all grass and foliage vanishes – “no green thing remains” (Is 15:1, 6). Isn’t this what we should be thinking about, preparing for? Or may there still be a way out, with much repentance and conciliation?
Isaiah also writes that it is due to humanity forsaking the covenant with their creator that makes natures suffer – 24:5-6. Species going extinct, rainforest being burnt down, children unable to walk, the size of three-year-olds at seven years of age, malnourished to the brink of starvation, writhing in the dust, whales being hunted, shores and oceans choking on plastic junk, fossil oil puddles burning, hundreds of fires smouldering along China’s 3,000 mile coal belt. People being abused, enslaved, tortured, killed… all this is the deafening yet still too easy to ignore background noise under the wheels of this behemoth called fallen humanity, crunching toward its inevitable end, making God weep and His wrath reach levels where He cannot hold back to bring judgement and make an end with this current world. All testament to what happens to a species with free will enough to assume they rule the world alone, but not enough oversight or wisdom to see that they are yet a creation designed for a purpose. Once this lesson is learned sufficiently, humanity will enter its next stage of maturity, consideration and love, following some dramatic end-time events whose signs of inception amass at a quickening pace.
The next financial crisis is on the doorstep, return on “investment” of the current money-driven economy has dropped to a very few cents per $1 new debt generated. The apparent “Recovery” is a speculative debt-driven illusion. Among the gamblers (stock market investors, financial derivative conjurors etc), the more responsible specimen are switching to assets that have some sort of “real” value and will survive some crash. There are some reasonable analysts like David Quintieri. But few humans dare think big enough to anticipate the depth and breadth of the things to come. And nobody but the One knows it entirely.